About The Friends

Who we are and what we do...
Friends of the Schoolhouse was organized in September, 1992 to ensure the continuation of The Old Britannia Schoolhouse programme for the students of Peel. Friends focus their efforts on working closely with the schoolhouse staff and on supporting the schoolhouse and its programme.
Members of the Executive Committee, the working committees and many other volunteers have donated hundreds of hours of their time, energy and expertise as well as considerable amounts of money and kind to The Old Britannia Schoolhouse cause. They are rewarded in the knowledge that Peel students are visiting daily to learn and to be enchanted by spending a day in the schoolhouse and the school yard.
Our Mission Statement establishes the goals of the Friends' organization and states how these will be accomplished.
The work of the Friends is planned and conducted by an Executive Committee of about 20 members with a Core Executive of 5 - Past Chair, Chair, Executive Director, Secretary and Treasurer. Executive committee members chair subcommittees such as Communications, Hosting, Museum and Archives, Gardens, Outreach and others. Monthly meetings of both the Core Executive and the Executive Committee keep the organization running smoothly.
Mission Statement
Friends of the Schoolhouse is an independent and self-sustaining association of concerned citizens dedicated to preserving and supporting The Old Britannia Schoolhouse and its education programmes by acting as an advocacy and advisory body on behalf of the students of Peel. This mission will be accomplished by:
- Acting through their Executive as an advisory committee to the Peel District School Board
- Providing support for schoolhouse staff and decision makers
- Assisting in the preservation and presentation of the schoolhouse, its records and artifacts, recognizing these as valuable assets in the Peel heritage community
- Raising funds in order to provide financial, material and social support for the enhancement of the schoolhouse and its programmes
- Stimulating community awareness of, and furthering public interest in, and access to The Old Britannia Schoolhouse
The Core Executive
Chair: Margaret Storey
Past Chair: Ruth Taylor
Vice Chair: Undecided
Schoolmistress: Christine Chapel
Schoolmistress: Lisa Cafaro
Secretary: Linda Kenney/Cathy Harper
Treasurer: Lis Braun
Executive Director: Shirley Hoad
Our members and volunteers range in age from 10 to 90 years young and include interested Peel District School Board students.
Each year we have about 40 volunteers who help with events and the garden. Each year volunteers give hundreds of hours of their
time for the schoolhouse cause.
How to join The Friends
We welcome new members and volunteers. Click on the Contact Us
button for our address, phone number and e-mail address. The membership fee is $10.00.
A printable Application for Membership is available in Adobe PDF format. Click on
Membership Form
. Be sure to let us know if you change your address.
Don't have Adobe? You can download the latest version by clicking on the icon to the right.
Fund raising
Fund raising activities include special functions and sales at various events. Donations continue to help us to accomplish our vision for The Old Britannia Schoolhouse. The Friends welcome donations which are used for the purchase of double desks, schoolmistress/master costumes, programme materials, certificates for students, a wheel chair ramp and other items that enhance the programme for students and preserve the building and grounds. We are also currently seeking donations to support our efforts to promote the schoolhouse and the Friends' activities through a web site, brochures and other promotional materials.
Any donations of $50.00 or more will receive a registered charity receipt if the cheque is made payable to the Peel District School Board and designated for Friends of the Schoolhouse. All donations should be sent to Friends of the Schoolhouse.
Donor categories are as follows:
Donating Friend - $5.00 to $49.00
Supporting Friend - $50.00 to $99.00
Sustaining Friend - $100.00 to $499.00
Benefactor - $500.00 or more
The names of all who make donations are entered in a book placed at the back of the classroom. The names of all Sustaining Friends and Benefactors are engraved on a plaque in the vestibule beside the door to the classroom.