Visiting The Schoolhouse

School's In Session!
The Old Britannia Schoolhouse is an important building not only for its architecture but for its ability to link the present with the past. Today the schoolhouse performs many roles: Heritage Building, Education Facility, Living History Museum, Community Resource.
The schoolhouse is open for visitors to drop in to see the building and its grounds on the second Sunday of each month except for July and August, weather permitting. A volunteer will be there to answer any questions and give information about The Schoolhouse and its programme. For directions to the Schoolhouse, please see below.
To visit an actual class in action, please contact the Schoolmaster at
As well as these opportunities to visit The Schoolhouse, Friends hold special events throughout the year in the heritage building. These are listed in the Events Schedule and highlighted in the Current News section.
How To Find Us
The Old Britannia Schoolhouse is located on the west side of Hurontario Street south of Matheson Boulevard in the city of Mississauga, Ontario.
Via highway 401: Take highway 401 to Hurontario Street (highway 10). Exit south on Hurontario Street and drive 2 kilometres to Matheson Boulevard. Turn west (right) on Matheson Boulevard. The Peel District School Board parking lot is the first driveway on the left on the south side of Matheson. Proceed to the south end of the parking lot and you will see the schoolhouse.
Via highway 403: Take highway 403 to Hurontario Street (highway 10). Exit north on Hurontario Street and drive 3 kilometres to Matheson Boulevard. Turn west (left) onto Matheson Boulevard. The Peel District School Board parking lot is the first driveway on the left on the south side of Matheson. Proceed to the south end of the parking lot and you will see the schoolhouse.
Via the Queen Elizabeth Way: Take the Queen Elizabeth Way to Hurontario Street (highway 10). Exit north on Hurontario Street and follow Hurontario Street 8 kilometres to Matheson Boulevard. Turn west (left) on Matheson and turn into the Peel District School Board parking lot at the first driveway on the south side. Proceed to the south end of the parking lot and you will see the schoolhouse.
Maps to The Schoolhouse