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Welcome to our website!
The Friends of the Schoolhouse web site will keep you informed about The Old Britannia Schoolhouse and the activities and events planned by the Friends' organization. We encourage you to check this site often. New information will be added monthly.
Another September Poem
Last September I posted a poem called September Song. Here is another of my favourite autumn poems. It always plays in my head when I am driving the back roads through rolling hills.
Along the line of smoky hills
The crimson forest stands,
And all the day the blue-jay calls
Throughout the autumn lands.
Now by the brook the maple leans
With all his glory spread,
And all the sumachs on the hills
Have turned their green to red.
Now by great marshes wrapt in mist,
Or past some river's mouth,
Throughout the long, still autumn day
Wild birds are flying south.
William Wilfred Campbell was a Canadian poet who lived from 1858 to 1918. He lived for most of his youth in small towns around the Bruce Peninsula. Eventually, in 1872, the family settled in Wiarton and he attended Owen Sound High School.
He attended Wycliffe College, University of Toronto, studying to be an Anglican minister. Campbell spent the last years of his life working as a public servant for the federal government in Ottawa.
Indian Summer was one of many poems he wrote and published. He was sometimes called "the Canadian Wordsworth" since his poetry, similar to Wordsworth's, reflected the romantic era and dealt with the beauty of nature around his own lake district - the Great Lakes and especially Lake Huron, Georgian Bay and the Bruce Peninsula.
In addition to publishing several books of poetry he also wrote 3 novels and several dramas. Some of his books may no longer be in print, but here is a list in case you want to search for more of his poems. Sunshine and Snowflakes (1888), Lake Lyrics (1889), The Dread Voyage and Other Poems (1893), Beyond the Hills of Dream (1899), and Sagas of Vaster Britain (1914). He published Collected Poems in 1905 and a second collection was published posthumously in 1923.
You might want to think of his "ode to autumn" as you enjoy a drive along country roads enjoying the brilliance of the coloured leaves
Coming Events
No events are planned during the COVID 19 pandemic.
Time to Renew Your Membership
Our membership year runs from January to December. Membership forms for renewal or new membership are on this website. Click here to get the form.
Echoes of the Past
This book, written and published by Friends of the Schoolhouse, documents the history of all of the rural one room schools that existed in Peel County. Full colour, 208 pages, $30 It is available at all our events or from any member of the Friends of the Schoolhouse Executive. There is a $10 charge for mailing.
Book Talks
Since the book, Echoes of The Past, was published in May 2016, the writers have been giving illustrated talks to historical societies and other interested groups. We talk about the book and tailor each presentation
to suit the audience and the one room schools that were in their local area.
If your group would be interested in having a presentation, please contact Daryl Cook for further information.
Come and Join Us
If you have a couple of hours a month or only a few hours once or twice a year you could help us support the schoolhouse and its programs. The executive committee meets on the second Tuesday of the month from September to June to conduct the business of the Friends of the Schoolhouse and to plan programs and events. Our meetings are from 4 to 6 in the afternoon at the schoolhouse. Volunteers help on an occasional basis with our events and in the gardens. Not only do we support a worthwhile cause, we have a lot of fun doing it. Email our Executive Director Shirley Hoad at, if you have a few hours to spare and an interest in helping preserve a community treasure for future generations of children.
Mark Your Calendar
To see a list of our year's events go to the Events page.
Researching our Roots
There is still much more to discover about the Old Britannia Schoolhouse and other early one room schools. Read below for a wish list of "Wanted" items that will help us learn more about our historic schoolhouse.
For use in a book on one-room schools in Peel County:
- Minute Books
- Cash Books
- Class Photos
- Report Cards
- Prize Ribbons
- Medals
- Certificates
- Shields
- Contracts
- Trustee Memorabilia
- Teacher Memorabilia
- Newspaper Clippings
- School Registers
Your contribution will be acknowledged. Materials supplied will either be returned to you or donated to the Peel County Archives on your behalf.
SLATE stands for So Let's All Talk Education (in a one room school), or as one witty person suggested, being truly Canadian, So Let's All Talk Eh! Each year for a day in the spring people involved in working or volunteering
in living history one room schoolhouses get together to exchange ideas and learn from each other. We meet at a different schoolhouse location each year which gives everyone the opportunity to experience how living history is presented
in a setting different from their own.
If you are a staff member or volunteer in a living history one room schoolhouse and would like more information about SLATE, contact:
Christine Chapel
The Old Britannia Schoolhouse
5576 Hurontario Street
Mississauga, ON
L5R 1B3
905-890-1010 ext 2911